Wycombe Abbey International School

Wycombe Abbey International School

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Dr Dawber's visit (Day 3)


Lessons here start at 8.00am (tutor period is just before lunch!) so I turned up bright and early to observe a Yr13 Biology revision lesson. Sadly the one student in the class actually had an exam this morning, but I had an interesting chat with the Biology teacher instead (there is only one at the moment). After break, I ran a Physics revision class for two super-bright Yr13 girls, Charlotte and Claire, on Oscillations. Really lovely to get into the classroom and have such excellent students (Charlotte is going to Cambridge to read Engineering, and Claire to New York to read medicine). They rocketed through the questions I gave them.

After lunch I went to observe a primary Jiangsu Maths lesson (year 6). Very interesting but sadly all in Chinese, so I struggled to follow. But the kids were super and told me (in English) a little bit about what they were doing.

After tea, I ran a mentoring session with five of the six teachers from the Science department, where we discussed good practices for teaching science. I gave them the schemes of work and a number of resources that we use here and they were absolutely delighted.

After dinner (I'm getting used to the food!) I had a visit into down town Changzhou to go to the mini supermarket. Fascinating to walk through the colourful street market on the way there. All in all, a busy, varied and productive day!

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